Thescelosaurus Vertebrae Genuine Dinosaur Bone Fossil (Incomplete Neural Arch)

Thescelosaurus Vertebrae Genuine Dinosaur Bone Fossil (Incomplete Neural Arch)
Thescelosaurus Vertebrae Genuine Dinosaur Bone Fossil (Incomplete Neural Arch)
Thescelosaurus Vertebrae Genuine Dinosaur Bone Fossil (Incomplete Neural Arch)
Thescelosaurus Vertebrae Genuine Dinosaur Bone Fossil (Incomplete Neural Arch)
Thescelosaurus Vertebrae Genuine Dinosaur Bone Fossil (Incomplete Neural Arch)
Thescelosaurus Vertebrae Genuine Dinosaur Bone Fossil (Incomplete Neural Arch)

Thescelosaurus Vertebrae Genuine Dinosaur Bone Fossil (Incomplete Neural Arch)

Source Geologic Formation: Hell Creek Formation. Description: Vertebrae with incomplete neural arch. One inferior articular facet is present, as well as on transverse process. Minor reconstruction for the purpose of structural support. See red outlined areas in the pictures for locations.

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Thescelosaurus Vertebrae Genuine Dinosaur Bone Fossil (Incomplete Neural Arch)